Around the world in 50 proverbs

Charles Koopman standing on grass

American teacher Charles Koopman has visited more than 100 countries where he has gained incredible insights about the world around us.

In his travels, the self-described “man without a home” has come to understand how different cultures approach situations in their own way – not only in terms of how they live them but the attitudes they embrace on this journey.

His experiences have taught him that certain commonalities do exist, however; and these often manifest as proverbs, some widely known and others less so.

In Man in the Mirror, Koopman places 50 maxims under the microscope to explain how they relate to the societies and cultures he has encountered while teaching in South America, China, the Middle East and Africa, as well as his homeland of the United States.

Ever heard the phrase, “The truth is somewhere in between”? Koopman certainly has, and uses it to explain the blurring of the lines between fact and fiction in traditional and social media.

Or how about the classic “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure”? What better way to describe Western perceptions of Africa as ‘undesirable’ when the beauty of its landscape and people is overlooked?

Koopman writes not from a place of separation but from first-hand experience of these countries.

By pinning his ideas on proverbs, he is able to challenge the reader to move away from preconceived notions and be open to the possibility that there is another side to every story. 

Man in the Mirror is a fascinating examination of the world as it is today and why being mindful to put oneself in another’s shoes is so vital if our planet is to ever achieve greater levels of peace and equality.

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